Hi all, don't forget our opening times are changing today for the winter!
We just wanted to remind you of the Covid Secure Guidelines we have for our shop. These are in place to keep both you and us safe and to allow us to keep trading in these challenging times, we not just being awkward!
• We ask that only ONE person enters the shop at any one time to allow you to place and then collect your order.
• We have a designated queue area, a separate clearly marked exit and obvious social distancing areas for waiting. These are clearly marked with signs and floor markings.
• We will continue to use our pager system over winter, you will be handed a clean and sanitised pager when ordering and can then wait in your car if you wish, this will buzz when your food is ready to collect.
• We take contlactless card payments or cash. Any cash taken is put into a separate pot to be sanitised and only sanitised change is given in return.
• There is hand sanitiser available on the counter for customer use, if you wish.
• Face coverings must be worn at all times when in the shop.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
Neil & Emma